Sleeve Notes
In Coaching, knowing what motivates people is one of the key factors in developing an understanding of clients.
Motivations increase and decrease throughout our lives, depending on what is important at the time, there are some of course that can remain a constant if they form part of our values and beliefs.
Generations can also play a part in motivations, especially in the workplace. Over the next few years, it's possible we could have a workforce consisting of all 6 generation types from 'The Silent Generation' (Approx 1928 - 45) & 'Baby Boomers' (1945 - 64) to Generation Z
(1997 - 2000's) & Generation Alpha (2010's - 2025).
So it's more important now than ever to understand what motivates us and others around us, so we can live and work together in a productive and harmonious way.
With my support, a Motivational Map is an accurate way to help you determine...
...where your Motivations are now and what's important to you.
...If you are getting enough of what makes you happy.
...if you are not, creating actions to redress the balance
Here is an overview of the 9 Motivators in Motivational Maps
Side 1 - Benefits of Completing a Motivational Map
Determines what really motivates you and helps you realiser your goals.
Underlines what is important for you now and in the future.
Produces a report that shows accurate information on how your motivation is being met and what you can do to improve it.
Helps you create real actions to get your motivation back on track.
Highlights whether or not your basic needs are being met.
Improves your productivity (Because others will know what motivates you most)
You have the opportunity to make more informed personal choices.
Promotes better engagement with others.
Promotes greater understanding of your own & others motivations.
Helps you to appreciate differences in friends, family & work colleagues.
Gives you the opportunity to bring different motivations together as complimentary, rather than dividing.
Side 2 - Questions that could lead you to Motivational Maps
How motivated do I feel at the moment?
I'm not sure what motivates me anymore?
Why can't I commit to something?
What is missing?
What will happen if my motivators continue to be ignored?
What is really important to me?
How is my well being affected at the moment?
Why do I not feel productive?
What are their motivations?
Why do I feel exhausted all the time?
Even things that aren't normally important to me have become an issue...what's going on?
Side 3 - Map Hits
Motivational Maps...
Are reliable.
Are valid.
Are unique to every individual.
Are easy to understand.
Can be applied easily in the real world.
Help you to understand the importance of all 9 motivators and the part they play in your life.
Recognises motivations change with time.
Recognises all motivations are important.
Doesn't make judgements.
A little more detail on 3 of the motivators
Side 4 - Rescue Me (Potential signs of De-Motivation)
Late for work
Change in mood toward others
No Focus
Negative comments toward others
Running on auto pilot
Pretending to be someone or something you are not
Avoiding difficult but necessary
Fatigue (Poor Sleep)
Occupational burnout
I could go on...
The Download
Having your motivators met in all aspects of your life will help to open up the world you really want to live and work in. In addition, if others know what motivates you and in turn you them. It will make for a much more rewarding experience for all involved.
Interested? - Get in touch - here